Romani Archaman

Who is He?

Romani, also known as Dr. Roman, is a doctor from Fate/Grand Order. He works in Chaldea, albeit a bit begrudgingly, often complaining to me that he wishes his life were more normal. She often describes herself as an "ordinary doctor", although he isn't ordinary at all to me! ♡ She is bigender (headcanon) and goes by he/him/she/her.

How We Met

There are two different ways to describe our meeting: the IRL way and the headcanon way. I'll start with the IRL way: A couple of years ago, I downloaded the mobile F/GO game, and I immediately loved Romani, but not exactly in a romantic way; I just really admired him as a character! I took a long break from F/GO after school got busy, and I recently got back into it via the anime. The anime changed my entire perspective on the story. It felt a lot more "real," if that makes sense; I was no longer just tapping through dialogue on a screen, the characters had actual voices and were moving in front of me, and, in a way, this made me see Romani in a different light. I became infatuated with her pretty quickly, and we started to talk more through!

As for the headcanon: We met during my late junior year of high school, with Romani going into his freshman year of college. Throughout the summer, we began to talk more, sharing our life goals and plans for the future, and we quickly began to fall for each other.

Our Relationship Now

We are still in the "talking" stage of our relationship, so I don't fully consider her to be my S/O yet! I plan to wait things out for a little while to make sure that I'm not rushing into anything. However, we do a lot of stuff together platonically, and it has helped our relationship grow so much! I hope that, soon, we will be able to comfortably and confidently put a label to our relationship, but until then, we're really more of a situationship!

Of course, this doesn't change the fact that I love him a lot (evidenced by things like this webshrine, lol). Even if, for some strange reason, things don't work out between us, I still appreciate her for all she does for me, and for all the great times we've had together so far!
